Astigmatic, 2024  Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, grommets  155 x 164 inches
Astigmatic, 2024 Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, grommets 155 x 164 inches
Voidsorption 003, 2024  Steel, yarn, thread, acrylic polymer, canvas  139 x 196 x 7 inches
Voidsorption 003, 2024 Steel, yarn, thread, acrylic polymer, canvas 139 x 196 x 7 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024   Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles   142 x 96 x 72 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024 Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles 142 x 96 x 72 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024   Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles   142 x 96 x 72 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024 Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles 142 x 96 x 72 inches
Anaplasmor, 2024   Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic   30 x 36 x 24 inches
Anaplasmor, 2024 Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic 30 x 36 x 24 inches
Lavamajore, 2024   Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic, wasp gall   49 x 50 x 52 inches
Lavamajore, 2024 Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic, wasp gall 49 x 50 x 52 inches
Sigmundrite II, 2024   Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, wasp galls   33 x 45 x 35 inches
Sigmundrite II, 2024 Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, wasp galls 33 x 45 x 35 inches
Parasitrea, 2024   Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel   108 x 132 x 5 inches
Parasitrea, 2024 Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel 108 x 132 x 5 inches
Verdemitto, 2024   Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel   95 x 95 x 5 inches
Verdemitto, 2024 Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel 95 x 95 x 5 inches
INSTALLATION VIEW: Michelle Segre: Der Wolley Eulb 07, Al Held Foundation, Boiceville, NY
INSTALLATION VIEW: Michelle Segre: Der Wolley Eulb 07, Al Held Foundation, Boiceville, NY
The Enfolding, 2022  Yarn, wire, acrylic polymer, acrylic inks, cheesecloth  135 x 115 x 36 inches
The Enfolding, 2022 Yarn, wire, acrylic polymer, acrylic inks, cheesecloth 135 x 115 x 36 inches
Social Space, 2022  Plaster, paper-maché, metal, wire, yarn, beeswax, paper wasp nest  27 x 22 x 16 inches
Social Space, 2022 Plaster, paper-maché, metal, wire, yarn, beeswax, paper wasp nest 27 x 22 x 16 inches
Conductor, 2022  Metal, wires, acrylic polymer, thread, yarn, concrete, beeswax, reishi mushroom  35 x 28 x 9 inches
Conductor, 2022 Metal, wires, acrylic polymer, thread, yarn, concrete, beeswax, reishi mushroom 35 x 28 x 9 inches
Membrain, 2022  Metal, cotton, acrylic polymer and inks, yarn, wire, concrete, charcoal chimney starter, paper wasp nest  131 x 78 x 16 inches
Membrain, 2022 Metal, cotton, acrylic polymer and inks, yarn, wire, concrete, charcoal chimney starter, paper wasp nest 131 x 78 x 16 inches
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Blob Compression, 2022  metal, yarn, plaster, mylar, sponge, acrylic polymer, lotus root, wire, and string  50 x 23 x 18 inches
Blob Compression, 2022 metal, yarn, plaster, mylar, sponge, acrylic polymer, lotus root, wire, and string 50 x 23 x 18 inches
Meteor Voidsorption, 2022  metal, yarn, plaster, papier-mâché, plasticine, and paint  56 x 18 x 10 inches
Meteor Voidsorption, 2022 metal, yarn, plaster, papier-mâché, plasticine, and paint 56 x 18 x 10 inches
 Flaunt, 2022  metal, yarn, plaster, acrylic polymer, canvas, and bread balls  43 x 32 x 7 inches
Flaunt, 2022 metal, yarn, plaster, acrylic polymer, canvas, and bread balls 43 x 32 x 7 inches
Sun Ghost, 2022  Metal, yarn, thread, muslin, acrylic polymer, hubcap, papier-maché, paper wasp’s nest, and rocks  135 x 140 x 33 inches
Sun Ghost, 2022 Metal, yarn, thread, muslin, acrylic polymer, hubcap, papier-maché, paper wasp’s nest, and rocks 135 x 140 x 33 inches
Installation view: 2022 Triennial Exhibition at de Cordova Museum, Lincoln MA
Installation view: 2022 Triennial Exhibition at de Cordova Museum, Lincoln MA
Installation view: Triennial Exhibition, de Cordova Museum, 2022
Installation view: Triennial Exhibition, de Cordova Museum, 2022
Installation view: Transmitters & Receivers at lumber room, Portland, OR
Installation view: Transmitters & Receivers at lumber room, Portland, OR
Eight Body Chorus, 2021
 Yarns, wire, metal, acrylic polymer, paper-mache, plaster, beeswax, dried mushrooms 
144 x 166 x 54 inches
Eight Body Chorus, 2021
 Yarns, wire, metal, acrylic polymer, paper-mache, plaster, beeswax, dried mushrooms 
144 x 166 x 54 inches
I Talk to the Trees, 2021
 Yarns, canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, wire, thread, sponges, lotus root, rocks
 144 x 187 x 33 inches
I Talk to the Trees, 2021
 Yarns, canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, wire, thread, sponges, lotus root, rocks
 144 x 187 x 33 inches
Red Sun, 2021
 Canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, acrylic ink, yarn, thread, wire, lotus root
 125 x 125 x 9 inches
Red Sun, 2021
 Canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, acrylic ink, yarn, thread, wire, lotus root
 125 x 125 x 9 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, beeswax, paper-maché, foam, bread, canvas, lotus root, pebbles, wood, carrots, star anis, hay hook, acrylic, rocks
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, beeswax, paper-maché, foam, bread, canvas, lotus root, pebbles, wood, carrots, star anis, hay hook, acrylic, rocks
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020, 96 x 134 x 102 inches
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020, 96 x 134 x 102 inches
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Studio view, 2018, Brooklyn, NY
Studio view, 2018, Brooklyn, NY
Substantial Stringata, 2018, 100 x 80 x 34 inches, Metal, yarn, thread, fan blade, saw, plastic-coated wire, umbrella handle, acrylic polymer
Substantial Stringata, 2018, 100 x 80 x 34 inches, Metal, yarn, thread, fan blade, saw, plastic-coated wire, umbrella handle, acrylic polymer
Revolutions in Sponge Theory, 2018, 97”h x 50” x 22", Paper-maché, metal, foam, plaster, rocks, sponges, wire, yarn, acrylic polymer, modeling clay, plastic lace
Revolutions in Sponge Theory, 2018, 97”h x 50” x 22", Paper-maché, metal, foam, plaster, rocks, sponges, wire, yarn, acrylic polymer, modeling clay, plastic lace
Map of an Organ Donor, 2018, 86"h x 172" x 142" Metal, yarn, sponges, thread, fan blade, paper-maché, pebbles, modeling clay, plastic-coated wire, dried mushrooms, acrylic polymer, canvas
Map of an Organ Donor, 2018, 86"h x 172" x 142" Metal, yarn, sponges, thread, fan blade, paper-maché, pebbles, modeling clay, plastic-coated wire, dried mushrooms, acrylic polymer, canvas
Map of an Organ Donor (detail), 2018
Map of an Organ Donor (detail), 2018
Motherboard, 2018, 30 x 24 x 4 inches, plaster, cobblestone, plastic-coated wire, mushrooms, thread, paint
Motherboard, 2018, 30 x 24 x 4 inches, plaster, cobblestone, plastic-coated wire, mushrooms, thread, paint
Driftloaf Mobile III, 2018, 37" x 20" x 14", Rock, paper-maché, wire, bread, dried mushrooms, thread, paint
Driftloaf Mobile III, 2018, 37" x 20" x 14", Rock, paper-maché, wire, bread, dried mushrooms, thread, paint
Driftloaf (Mobile II), 2018 34" x 17" x 13" Mossy rock, bread, wire, paper-maché, paint
Driftloaf (Mobile II), 2018 34" x 17" x 13" Mossy rock, bread, wire, paper-maché, paint
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017   67 x 82 x 86 inches  Metal, yarn, thread, mylar, sponges, wire, carrots, plasticine
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017 67 x 82 x 86 inches Metal, yarn, thread, mylar, sponges, wire, carrots, plasticine
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017
Clown Clutter, 2017  104 x 80 x 80 inches, Paper-mache, metal, plasticine, yarn, sticks, thread, mylar, sponges, foam, plaster, paint, rock
Clown Clutter, 2017 104 x 80 x 80 inches, Paper-mache, metal, plasticine, yarn, sticks, thread, mylar, sponges, foam, plaster, paint, rock
Clown Clutter, 2017
Clown Clutter, 2017
Voidsorption, 2016, 99 x 33 x 8 inches, Metal, wood, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, pebbles, acrylic polymer, mushrooms, thread
Voidsorption, 2016, 99 x 33 x 8 inches, Metal, wood, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, pebbles, acrylic polymer, mushrooms, thread
Voidsorption, 2016
Voidsorption, 2016
That's all Folks, 2016, 89 x 57 x 58 inches, Metal, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, mylar, foam, paper-mache,  thread, wire, hubcap, Aqua-resin
That's all Folks, 2016, 89 x 57 x 58 inches, Metal, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, mylar, foam, paper-mache,  thread, wire, hubcap, Aqua-resin
That's all Folks, 2016
That's all Folks, 2016
Pet of a New Order, 2017, 8.375 x 8.375 x 4.75 inches, Bread, painted pebbles, plasticine, mold, aquarium
Pet of a New Order, 2017, 8.375 x 8.375 x 4.75 inches, Bread, painted pebbles, plasticine, mold, aquarium
Degenerate Pet, 2017, 6.5 x 12 x 8.125 inches, Bread, mold, painted pebbles, moss, plasticine, aquarium
Degenerate Pet, 2017, 6.5 x 12 x 8.125 inches, Bread, mold, painted pebbles, moss, plasticine, aquarium
The Bozo, 2017, 48 x 24 x 3 1/2 inches, Mushroom, thread, plastic-coated wire, rock, wood, enamel paint, Flashe, plaster
The Bozo, 2017, 48 x 24 x 3 1/2 inches, Mushroom, thread, plastic-coated wire, rock, wood, enamel paint, Flashe, plaster
November, 2016, 36 x 15 x 16 inches, Plaster, yarn, plastic-coated wire, cobblestone, paint
November, 2016, 36 x 15 x 16 inches, Plaster, yarn, plastic-coated wire, cobblestone, paint
Installation view 2017, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view 2017, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view 2018, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view 2018, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view: CarlJackieSteveMichelle, Helena Anrather Gallery, 2017
Installation view: CarlJackieSteveMichelle, Helena Anrather Gallery, 2017
Installation 56 Henry, 2016
Installation 56 Henry, 2016
Satellite, 2016
Satellite, 2016
Foot of a Grimy, 2016, 87" x 45" x 48", Sticks, wire, yarn, thread, mylar, beeswax, paper, plaster, pebbles, acrylic paint skin, pushpins, plastic-coated wire
Foot of a Grimy, 2016, 87" x 45" x 48", Sticks, wire, yarn, thread, mylar, beeswax, paper, plaster, pebbles, acrylic paint skin, pushpins, plastic-coated wire
Detail: Foot of a Grimy, 2016
Detail: Foot of a Grimy, 2016
Red Desert, 2016, 96" x 75" x 49", Yarn, modeling clay, mylar, papier-maché, plaster, foam, metal, sticks, sponges, wire, plastic lace, paint
Red Desert, 2016, 96" x 75" x 49", Yarn, modeling clay, mylar, papier-maché, plaster, foam, metal, sticks, sponges, wire, plastic lace, paint
Plaza, 2016, 57" x 24" x 24", Plaster, foam, bread, paint, clay, modeling clay, Aqua-resin, mylar
Plaza, 2016, 57" x 24" x 24", Plaster, foam, bread, paint, clay, modeling clay, Aqua-resin, mylar
Colony Collapse, 2015, 50 x 35 x 18 inches, Metal, wire, yarn, tape, plastic lace
Colony Collapse, 2015, 50 x 35 x 18 inches, Metal, wire, yarn, tape, plastic lace
Installation view: Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, 2016
Installation view: Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, 2016
Porous, Porous.  2014, 109 x 50.5 x 22 inches,  Metal, foam, wire, wood, plaster, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, plastic bag, bread, paint.
Porous, Porous. 2014, 109 x 50.5 x 22 inches, Metal, foam, wire, wood, plaster, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, plastic bag, bread, paint.
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Powers of Tenuous.  2014, 69 x 52.5 x 47.5 inches.  Wood, wire, metal, yarn, beeswax, mylar, thread, plastic
Powers of Tenuous. 2014, 69 x 52.5 x 47.5 inches. Wood, wire, metal, yarn, beeswax, mylar, thread, plastic
Powers of Tenuous (detail)
Powers of Tenuous (detail)
Spaghetti Love.  2014, 87 x 184 inches.  Mixed media on paper.
Spaghetti Love. 2014, 87 x 184 inches. Mixed media on paper.
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova.  2013, 72 x 84 x 156 inches.
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova. 2013, 72 x 84 x 156 inches.
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova.  Metal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestone
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova. Metal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestone
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma.  2013, 138 x 64 x 75 inches.  Metal, wire, wood, plaster, clay, yarn, mylar, thread, plastic lace, photos, modeling clay, seashell.
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma. 2013, 138 x 64 x 75 inches. Metal, wire, wood, plaster, clay, yarn, mylar, thread, plastic lace, photos, modeling clay, seashell.
Important Meteorites.  2012, 28 x 28 x 15 inches.  Foam, beeswax, modeling clay, string, steel rods, pebbles, wire, wood, ink.
Important Meteorites. 2012, 28 x 28 x 15 inches. Foam, beeswax, modeling clay, string, steel rods, pebbles, wire, wood, ink.
Untitled (Mushroom), 2012, 28" x 28" x 23".  Wood, metal, papier-maché, plaster, modeling clay, wire, string, ink, glass, sand, dried mushroom
Untitled (Mushroom), 2012, 28" x 28" x 23". Wood, metal, papier-maché, plaster, modeling clay, wire, string, ink, glass, sand, dried mushroom
Untitled (Driftwood).  2012, 69" x 18" x 20".  Foam, plaster, driftwood, papier-maché, metal, wire, modeling clay, plastic rod, acrylic, enamel.
Untitled (Driftwood). 2012, 69" x 18" x 20". Foam, plaster, driftwood, papier-maché, metal, wire, modeling clay, plastic rod, acrylic, enamel.
Earth to Crumb.  2012, 36" x 20" x 6".  Beeswax, foam, plaster, papier-maché, metal, enamel, acrylic, yarn, plastic lace, pebbles.
Earth to Crumb. 2012, 36" x 20" x 6". Beeswax, foam, plaster, papier-maché, metal, enamel, acrylic, yarn, plastic lace, pebbles.
Untitled (Orange Brick).  2012, 31" x 31" x 18"  Wood, string, wire, foam, beeswax, screws, plastic rods, modeling clay, pushpins.
Untitled (Orange Brick). 2012, 31" x 31" x 18" Wood, string, wire, foam, beeswax, screws, plastic rods, modeling clay, pushpins.
Ignatz Syndrome.  2012, 26h x 13 x 4 1/2 inches  Foam, plaster, wood, beeswax, modeling clay, screws
Ignatz Syndrome. 2012, 26h x 13 x 4 1/2 inches Foam, plaster, wood, beeswax, modeling clay, screws
Untitled (Hamster).  2012, 27" x 22" x 20"  Wood, yarn, wire, modeling clay, photo, steel rod, metal, putty.
Untitled (Hamster). 2012, 27" x 22" x 20" Wood, yarn, wire, modeling clay, photo, steel rod, metal, putty.
Small Synapse, 2011.  Plaster, foam, enamel, thread, plastic lace, papier-maché, steel lath, plastic-coated wire, seashells  49" x 37" x 14"
Small Synapse, 2011. Plaster, foam, enamel, thread, plastic lace, papier-maché, steel lath, plastic-coated wire, seashells 49" x 37" x 14"
The Collector, 2012.  102.5" x 81" x 69"  Milk crates, plaster, paint, clay, metal, plastic lace, yarn, thread, wire, rocks, modeling clay, acrylic, papier-maché, toothpicks, seashells, pitchforks.
The Collector, 2012. 102.5" x 81" x 69" Milk crates, plaster, paint, clay, metal, plastic lace, yarn, thread, wire, rocks, modeling clay, acrylic, papier-maché, toothpicks, seashells, pitchforks.
Oracle in Reverse, 2012.  86.5" x 43" x 41"  Papier-maché, metal, plaster, enamel, beeswax, thread, wire, clay, foam, feathers, seashell, gouache, plastic.
Oracle in Reverse, 2012. 86.5" x 43" x 41" Papier-maché, metal, plaster, enamel, beeswax, thread, wire, clay, foam, feathers, seashell, gouache, plastic.
Once Upon a Time the End, 2011.  59.5" x 38" x 41"  Metal, acrylic, papier-maché, clay, thread, wire, modeling clay, plastic rods, rocks.
Once Upon a Time the End, 2011. 59.5" x 38" x 41" Metal, acrylic, papier-maché, clay, thread, wire, modeling clay, plastic rods, rocks.
Godzeye, 2011.  102" x 42" x 35"  Metal, plastic lace, yarn, string, rocks, acrylic, modeling clay, plaster, papier-maché, mailbox.
Godzeye, 2011. 102" x 42" x 35" Metal, plastic lace, yarn, string, rocks, acrylic, modeling clay, plaster, papier-maché, mailbox.
Transmissions of the Threadbare, 1997-2012.  80.5" x 57.5" x 33"  Hydrocal, foam, beeswax, steel, wood, clay, plaster, wire, acrylic, rocks, paint, plastic lace, papier-maché.
Transmissions of the Threadbare, 1997-2012. 80.5" x 57.5" x 33" Hydrocal, foam, beeswax, steel, wood, clay, plaster, wire, acrylic, rocks, paint, plastic lace, papier-maché.
Transmissions of the Threadbare (detail)
Transmissions of the Threadbare (detail)
Cloud Minder, 2012.  65" x 25" x 18"  Foam, beeswax, metal, string, plaster, papier-maché, enamel.
Cloud Minder, 2012. 65" x 25" x 18" Foam, beeswax, metal, string, plaster, papier-maché, enamel.
Let Me Love Your Brain, 1997-2012.  83" x 69" x 41"  Hydrocal, foam, steel, beeswax, modeling clay, papier-maché, paint.
Let Me Love Your Brain, 1997-2012. 83" x 69" x 41" Hydrocal, foam, steel, beeswax, modeling clay, papier-maché, paint.
Lost Songs of the Filament, installation view, Derek Eller Gallery, 2012
Lost Songs of the Filament, installation view, Derek Eller Gallery, 2012
Synapse, 2011.  59" x 70" x 64"  Metal, plaster, foam, papier-maché, plastic rods, wire, pebbles, modeling clay.
Synapse, 2011. 59" x 70" x 64" Metal, plaster, foam, papier-maché, plastic rods, wire, pebbles, modeling clay.
North room, Derek Eller Gallery, 2010
North room, Derek Eller Gallery, 2010
Untitled, 2010.  77" x 47" x 16"  Metal, paper-maché, plaster, foam, modeling clay, acrylic, oil, plastic, beeswax, pebbles, clay.
Untitled, 2010. 77" x 47" x 16" Metal, paper-maché, plaster, foam, modeling clay, acrylic, oil, plastic, beeswax, pebbles, clay.
Untitled (detail)
Untitled (detail)
Still Life, 2010.  34 x 30 x 32 inches.  Plaster, foam, wire, metal, papier-maché, modeling clay, paint, beeswax.
Still Life, 2010. 34 x 30 x 32 inches. Plaster, foam, wire, metal, papier-maché, modeling clay, paint, beeswax.
Untitled (White form with red center), 2009, metal, papier-mâché, wire, rocks, 40" x 12" x 35"
Untitled (White form with red center), 2009, metal, papier-mâché, wire, rocks, 40" x 12" x 35"
Three Hanging Forms, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, latex, newspaper, 42" x 21" x 45"
Three Hanging Forms, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, latex, newspaper, 42" x 21" x 45"
Untitled (Spiral with green center), 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, 47" x 50" x 37"
Untitled (Spiral with green center), 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, 47" x 50" x 37"
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Unnecessary Fixation, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, beeswax, paint, modeling clay, wire, acrylic, 43" x 12" x 34"
Unnecessary Fixation, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, beeswax, paint, modeling clay, wire, acrylic, 43" x 12" x 34"
High on a Mountain, 2010, Foam, metal, milk crates, plaster, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, acrylic, 85" x 32" x 57"
High on a Mountain, 2010, Foam, metal, milk crates, plaster, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, acrylic, 85" x 32" x 57"
Studio view 2010
Studio view 2010
Astigmatic, 2024  Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, grommets  155 x 164 inches
Astigmatic, 2024 Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, grommets 155 x 164 inches
Voidsorption 003, 2024  Steel, yarn, thread, acrylic polymer, canvas  139 x 196 x 7 inches
Voidsorption 003, 2024 Steel, yarn, thread, acrylic polymer, canvas 139 x 196 x 7 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024   Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles   142 x 96 x 72 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024 Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles 142 x 96 x 72 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024   Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles   142 x 96 x 72 inches
Cosmopavlova, 2024 Steel, yarn, felted wool, glazed ceramic, aluminum, acrylic polymer, bird nests, textiles 142 x 96 x 72 inches
Anaplasmor, 2024   Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic   30 x 36 x 24 inches
Anaplasmor, 2024 Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic 30 x 36 x 24 inches
Lavamajore, 2024   Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic, wasp gall   49 x 50 x 52 inches
Lavamajore, 2024 Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, aluminum, acrylic, wasp gall 49 x 50 x 52 inches
Sigmundrite II, 2024   Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, wasp galls   33 x 45 x 35 inches
Sigmundrite II, 2024 Glazed ceramic, steel, yarn, wasp galls 33 x 45 x 35 inches
Parasitrea, 2024   Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel   108 x 132 x 5 inches
Parasitrea, 2024 Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel 108 x 132 x 5 inches
Verdemitto, 2024   Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel   95 x 95 x 5 inches
Verdemitto, 2024 Acrylic polymer, cheesecloth, yarn, steel 95 x 95 x 5 inches
INSTALLATION VIEW: Michelle Segre: Der Wolley Eulb 07, Al Held Foundation, Boiceville, NY
INSTALLATION VIEW: Michelle Segre: Der Wolley Eulb 07, Al Held Foundation, Boiceville, NY
The Enfolding, 2022  Yarn, wire, acrylic polymer, acrylic inks, cheesecloth  135 x 115 x 36 inches
The Enfolding, 2022 Yarn, wire, acrylic polymer, acrylic inks, cheesecloth 135 x 115 x 36 inches
Social Space, 2022  Plaster, paper-maché, metal, wire, yarn, beeswax, paper wasp nest  27 x 22 x 16 inches
Social Space, 2022 Plaster, paper-maché, metal, wire, yarn, beeswax, paper wasp nest 27 x 22 x 16 inches
Conductor, 2022  Metal, wires, acrylic polymer, thread, yarn, concrete, beeswax, reishi mushroom  35 x 28 x 9 inches
Conductor, 2022 Metal, wires, acrylic polymer, thread, yarn, concrete, beeswax, reishi mushroom 35 x 28 x 9 inches
Membrain, 2022  Metal, cotton, acrylic polymer and inks, yarn, wire, concrete, charcoal chimney starter, paper wasp nest  131 x 78 x 16 inches
Membrain, 2022 Metal, cotton, acrylic polymer and inks, yarn, wire, concrete, charcoal chimney starter, paper wasp nest 131 x 78 x 16 inches
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Installation view: Night Chorus at Derek Eller Gallery
Blob Compression, 2022  metal, yarn, plaster, mylar, sponge, acrylic polymer, lotus root, wire, and string  50 x 23 x 18 inches
Blob Compression, 2022 metal, yarn, plaster, mylar, sponge, acrylic polymer, lotus root, wire, and string 50 x 23 x 18 inches
Meteor Voidsorption, 2022  metal, yarn, plaster, papier-mâché, plasticine, and paint  56 x 18 x 10 inches
Meteor Voidsorption, 2022 metal, yarn, plaster, papier-mâché, plasticine, and paint 56 x 18 x 10 inches
 Flaunt, 2022  metal, yarn, plaster, acrylic polymer, canvas, and bread balls  43 x 32 x 7 inches
Flaunt, 2022 metal, yarn, plaster, acrylic polymer, canvas, and bread balls 43 x 32 x 7 inches
Sun Ghost, 2022  Metal, yarn, thread, muslin, acrylic polymer, hubcap, papier-maché, paper wasp’s nest, and rocks  135 x 140 x 33 inches
Sun Ghost, 2022 Metal, yarn, thread, muslin, acrylic polymer, hubcap, papier-maché, paper wasp’s nest, and rocks 135 x 140 x 33 inches
Installation view: 2022 Triennial Exhibition at de Cordova Museum, Lincoln MA
Installation view: 2022 Triennial Exhibition at de Cordova Museum, Lincoln MA
Installation view: Triennial Exhibition, de Cordova Museum, 2022
Installation view: Triennial Exhibition, de Cordova Museum, 2022
Installation view: Transmitters & Receivers at lumber room, Portland, OR
Installation view: Transmitters & Receivers at lumber room, Portland, OR
Eight Body Chorus, 2021
 Yarns, wire, metal, acrylic polymer, paper-mache, plaster, beeswax, dried mushrooms 
144 x 166 x 54 inches
Eight Body Chorus, 2021
 Yarns, wire, metal, acrylic polymer, paper-mache, plaster, beeswax, dried mushrooms 
144 x 166 x 54 inches
I Talk to the Trees, 2021
 Yarns, canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, wire, thread, sponges, lotus root, rocks
 144 x 187 x 33 inches
I Talk to the Trees, 2021
 Yarns, canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, wire, thread, sponges, lotus root, rocks
 144 x 187 x 33 inches
Red Sun, 2021
 Canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, acrylic ink, yarn, thread, wire, lotus root
 125 x 125 x 9 inches
Red Sun, 2021
 Canvas, muslin, acrylic polymer, acrylic ink, yarn, thread, wire, lotus root
 125 x 125 x 9 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Orbit of the Haggis, 2020 Yarn, plastic-coated wire, metal, paper-maché, beeswax, acrylic polymer, canvas, mushrooms, lotus root and paint 128 x 84 x 35 inches
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Detail: Orbit of the Haggis, 2020
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, beeswax, paper-maché, foam, bread, canvas, lotus root, pebbles, wood, carrots, star anis, hay hook, acrylic, rocks
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, beeswax, paper-maché, foam, bread, canvas, lotus root, pebbles, wood, carrots, star anis, hay hook, acrylic, rocks
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020, 96 x 134 x 102 inches
Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020, 96 x 134 x 102 inches
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Detail: Just why do you think you're a plant?, 2020
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Star Zero, 2020 Yarn, metal, plastic-coated wire, thread, bread balls, plaster, acrylic, resin, lotus root, mylar 132 x 64 x 8 inches
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Detail: Star Zero, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Installation of Julia Bland and Michelle Segre at Derek Eller, 2020
Studio view, 2018, Brooklyn, NY
Studio view, 2018, Brooklyn, NY
Substantial Stringata, 2018, 100 x 80 x 34 inches, Metal, yarn, thread, fan blade, saw, plastic-coated wire, umbrella handle, acrylic polymer
Substantial Stringata, 2018, 100 x 80 x 34 inches, Metal, yarn, thread, fan blade, saw, plastic-coated wire, umbrella handle, acrylic polymer
Revolutions in Sponge Theory, 2018, 97”h x 50” x 22", Paper-maché, metal, foam, plaster, rocks, sponges, wire, yarn, acrylic polymer, modeling clay, plastic lace
Revolutions in Sponge Theory, 2018, 97”h x 50” x 22", Paper-maché, metal, foam, plaster, rocks, sponges, wire, yarn, acrylic polymer, modeling clay, plastic lace
Map of an Organ Donor, 2018, 86"h x 172" x 142" Metal, yarn, sponges, thread, fan blade, paper-maché, pebbles, modeling clay, plastic-coated wire, dried mushrooms, acrylic polymer, canvas
Map of an Organ Donor, 2018, 86"h x 172" x 142" Metal, yarn, sponges, thread, fan blade, paper-maché, pebbles, modeling clay, plastic-coated wire, dried mushrooms, acrylic polymer, canvas
Map of an Organ Donor (detail), 2018
Map of an Organ Donor (detail), 2018
Motherboard, 2018, 30 x 24 x 4 inches, plaster, cobblestone, plastic-coated wire, mushrooms, thread, paint
Motherboard, 2018, 30 x 24 x 4 inches, plaster, cobblestone, plastic-coated wire, mushrooms, thread, paint
Driftloaf Mobile III, 2018, 37" x 20" x 14", Rock, paper-maché, wire, bread, dried mushrooms, thread, paint
Driftloaf Mobile III, 2018, 37" x 20" x 14", Rock, paper-maché, wire, bread, dried mushrooms, thread, paint
Driftloaf (Mobile II), 2018 34" x 17" x 13" Mossy rock, bread, wire, paper-maché, paint
Driftloaf (Mobile II), 2018 34" x 17" x 13" Mossy rock, bread, wire, paper-maché, paint
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Installation view: Dawn of the Looney Tune at Derek Eller Gallery, 2017
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017   67 x 82 x 86 inches  Metal, yarn, thread, mylar, sponges, wire, carrots, plasticine
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017 67 x 82 x 86 inches Metal, yarn, thread, mylar, sponges, wire, carrots, plasticine
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017
Dawn of the Looney Tune, 2017
Clown Clutter, 2017  104 x 80 x 80 inches, Paper-mache, metal, plasticine, yarn, sticks, thread, mylar, sponges, foam, plaster, paint, rock
Clown Clutter, 2017 104 x 80 x 80 inches, Paper-mache, metal, plasticine, yarn, sticks, thread, mylar, sponges, foam, plaster, paint, rock
Clown Clutter, 2017
Clown Clutter, 2017
Voidsorption, 2016, 99 x 33 x 8 inches, Metal, wood, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, pebbles, acrylic polymer, mushrooms, thread
Voidsorption, 2016, 99 x 33 x 8 inches, Metal, wood, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, pebbles, acrylic polymer, mushrooms, thread
Voidsorption, 2016
Voidsorption, 2016
That's all Folks, 2016, 89 x 57 x 58 inches, Metal, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, mylar, foam, paper-mache,  thread, wire, hubcap, Aqua-resin
That's all Folks, 2016, 89 x 57 x 58 inches, Metal, plaster, paint, yarn, plastic-coated wire, mylar, foam, paper-mache,  thread, wire, hubcap, Aqua-resin
That's all Folks, 2016
That's all Folks, 2016
Pet of a New Order, 2017, 8.375 x 8.375 x 4.75 inches, Bread, painted pebbles, plasticine, mold, aquarium
Pet of a New Order, 2017, 8.375 x 8.375 x 4.75 inches, Bread, painted pebbles, plasticine, mold, aquarium
Degenerate Pet, 2017, 6.5 x 12 x 8.125 inches, Bread, mold, painted pebbles, moss, plasticine, aquarium
Degenerate Pet, 2017, 6.5 x 12 x 8.125 inches, Bread, mold, painted pebbles, moss, plasticine, aquarium
The Bozo, 2017, 48 x 24 x 3 1/2 inches, Mushroom, thread, plastic-coated wire, rock, wood, enamel paint, Flashe, plaster
The Bozo, 2017, 48 x 24 x 3 1/2 inches, Mushroom, thread, plastic-coated wire, rock, wood, enamel paint, Flashe, plaster
November, 2016, 36 x 15 x 16 inches, Plaster, yarn, plastic-coated wire, cobblestone, paint
November, 2016, 36 x 15 x 16 inches, Plaster, yarn, plastic-coated wire, cobblestone, paint
Installation view 2017, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view 2017, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view 2018, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view 2018, Nerman Museum of Art, Overlook Park, Kansas
Installation view: CarlJackieSteveMichelle, Helena Anrather Gallery, 2017
Installation view: CarlJackieSteveMichelle, Helena Anrather Gallery, 2017
Installation 56 Henry, 2016
Installation 56 Henry, 2016
Satellite, 2016
Satellite, 2016
Foot of a Grimy, 2016, 87" x 45" x 48", Sticks, wire, yarn, thread, mylar, beeswax, paper, plaster, pebbles, acrylic paint skin, pushpins, plastic-coated wire
Foot of a Grimy, 2016, 87" x 45" x 48", Sticks, wire, yarn, thread, mylar, beeswax, paper, plaster, pebbles, acrylic paint skin, pushpins, plastic-coated wire
Detail: Foot of a Grimy, 2016
Detail: Foot of a Grimy, 2016
Red Desert, 2016, 96" x 75" x 49", Yarn, modeling clay, mylar, papier-maché, plaster, foam, metal, sticks, sponges, wire, plastic lace, paint
Red Desert, 2016, 96" x 75" x 49", Yarn, modeling clay, mylar, papier-maché, plaster, foam, metal, sticks, sponges, wire, plastic lace, paint
Plaza, 2016, 57" x 24" x 24", Plaster, foam, bread, paint, clay, modeling clay, Aqua-resin, mylar
Plaza, 2016, 57" x 24" x 24", Plaster, foam, bread, paint, clay, modeling clay, Aqua-resin, mylar
Colony Collapse, 2015, 50 x 35 x 18 inches, Metal, wire, yarn, tape, plastic lace
Colony Collapse, 2015, 50 x 35 x 18 inches, Metal, wire, yarn, tape, plastic lace
Installation view: Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, 2016
Installation view: Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery, 2016
Porous, Porous.  2014, 109 x 50.5 x 22 inches,  Metal, foam, wire, wood, plaster, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, plastic bag, bread, paint.
Porous, Porous. 2014, 109 x 50.5 x 22 inches, Metal, foam, wire, wood, plaster, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, plastic bag, bread, paint.Porous, Porous2014109 x 50.5 x 22 inchesMetal, foam, wire, wood, plaster, modeling clay, yarn, thread, plastic lace, plastic bag, bread, paint.
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Porous, Porous (detail)
Powers of Tenuous.  2014, 69 x 52.5 x 47.5 inches.  Wood, wire, metal, yarn, beeswax, mylar, thread, plastic
Powers of Tenuous. 2014, 69 x 52.5 x 47.5 inches. Wood, wire, metal, yarn, beeswax, mylar, thread, plastic
Powers of Tenuous (detail)
Powers of Tenuous (detail)
Spaghetti Love.  2014, 87 x 184 inches.  Mixed media on paper.
Spaghetti Love. 2014, 87 x 184 inches. Mixed media on paper.
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova.  2013, 72 x 84 x 156 inches.
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova. 2013, 72 x 84 x 156 inches. Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova201372 x 84 x 144 inchesMetal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, modeling clay, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestone
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova.  Metal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestone
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova. Metal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestoneSelf-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova201372 x 84 x 144 inchesMetal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, modeling clay, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestone.
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic SupernovaSelf-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova201372 x 84 x 144 inchesMetal, yarn, thread, wire, plastic bags, plastic lace, papier-maché, photos, mylar, clay, screws, acrylic, modeling clay, wood, beeswax, dried mushrooms, cobblestone
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Self-Reflexive Narcissistic Supernova (detail)
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma.  2013, 138 x 64 x 75 inches.  Metal, wire, wood, plaster, clay, yarn, mylar, thread, plastic lace, photos, modeling clay, seashell.
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma. 2013, 138 x 64 x 75 inches. Metal, wire, wood, plaster, clay, yarn, mylar, thread, plastic lace, photos, modeling clay, seashell. Cryptanalysis of the Enigma2013 138" x 64" x 75"Metal, wire, wood, plaster, clay, yarn, mylar, thread, plastic lace, photos, modeling clay, seashell
Important Meteorites.  2012, 28 x 28 x 15 inches.  Foam, beeswax, modeling clay, string, steel rods, pebbles, wire, wood, ink.
Important Meteorites. 2012, 28 x 28 x 15 inches. Foam, beeswax, modeling clay, string, steel rods, pebbles, wire, wood, ink.Important Meteorites201228" x 28" x 15"Foam, beeswax, modeling clay, string, steel rods, pebbles, wire, wood, ink.
Untitled (Mushroom), 2012, 28" x 28" x 23".  Wood, metal, papier-maché, plaster, modeling clay, wire, string, ink, glass, sand, dried mushroom
Untitled (Mushroom), 2012, 28" x 28" x 23". Wood, metal, papier-maché, plaster, modeling clay, wire, string, ink, glass, sand, dried mushroomUntitled (Mushroom)201228" x 28" x 23"Wood, metal, papier-maché, plaster, modeling clay, wire, string, ink, glass, sand, dried mushroom
Untitled (Driftwood).  2012, 69" x 18" x 20".  Foam, plaster, driftwood, papier-maché, metal, wire, modeling clay, plastic rod, acrylic, enamel.
Untitled (Driftwood). 2012, 69" x 18" x 20". Foam, plaster, driftwood, papier-maché, metal, wire, modeling clay, plastic rod, acrylic, enamel.Untitled (Driftwood) 201269" x 18" x 20"Foam, plaster, driftwood, papier-maché, metal, wire, modeling clay, plastic rod, acrylic, enamel.
Earth to Crumb.  2012, 36" x 20" x 6".  Beeswax, foam, plaster, papier-maché, metal, enamel, acrylic, yarn, plastic lace, pebbles.
Earth to Crumb. 2012, 36" x 20" x 6". Beeswax, foam, plaster, papier-maché, metal, enamel, acrylic, yarn, plastic lace, pebbles.Earth to Crumb201236" x 20" x 6"Beeswax, foam, plaster, papier-maché, metal, enamel, acrylic, yarn, plastic lace, pebbles.
Untitled (Orange Brick).  2012, 31" x 31" x 18"  Wood, string, wire, foam, beeswax, screws, plastic rods, modeling clay, pushpins.
Untitled (Orange Brick). 2012, 31" x 31" x 18" Wood, string, wire, foam, beeswax, screws, plastic rods, modeling clay, pushpins.Untitled (Orange Brick)201231" x 31" x 18"Wood, string, wire, foam, beeswax, screws, plastic rods, modeling clay, pushpins.
Ignatz Syndrome.  2012, 26h x 13 x 4 1/2 inches  Foam, plaster, wood, beeswax, modeling clay, screws
Ignatz Syndrome. 2012, 26h x 13 x 4 1/2 inches Foam, plaster, wood, beeswax, modeling clay, screwsIgnatz Syndrome201226h x 13 x 4 1/2 inchesFoam, plaster, wood, beeswax, modeling clay, screws
Untitled (Hamster).  2012, 27" x 22" x 20"  Wood, yarn, wire, modeling clay, photo, steel rod, metal, putty.
Untitled (Hamster). 2012, 27" x 22" x 20" Wood, yarn, wire, modeling clay, photo, steel rod, metal, putty.Untitled (Hamster)201227" x 22" x 20"Wood, yarn, wire, modeling clay, photo, steel rod, metal, putty.
Small Synapse, 2011.  Plaster, foam, enamel, thread, plastic lace, papier-maché, steel lath, plastic-coated wire, seashells  49" x 37" x 14"
Small Synapse, 2011. Plaster, foam, enamel, thread, plastic lace, papier-maché, steel lath, plastic-coated wire, seashells 49" x 37" x 14"Small Synapse2011Plaster, foam, enamel, thread, plastic lace, papier-maché, steel lath, plastic-coated wire, seashells49" x 37" x 14"
The Collector, 2012.  102.5" x 81" x 69"  Milk crates, plaster, paint, clay, metal, plastic lace, yarn, thread, wire, rocks, modeling clay, acrylic, papier-maché, toothpicks, seashells, pitchforks.
The Collector, 2012. 102.5" x 81" x 69" Milk crates, plaster, paint, clay, metal, plastic lace, yarn, thread, wire, rocks, modeling clay, acrylic, papier-maché, toothpicks, seashells, pitchforks.The Collector2012102.5" x 81" x 69"Milk crates, plaster, paint, clay, metal, plastic lace, yarn, thread, wire, rocks, modeling clay, acrylic, papier-maché, toothpicks, seashells, pitchforks.
Oracle in Reverse, 2012.  86.5" x 43" x 41"  Papier-maché, metal, plaster, enamel, beeswax, thread, wire, clay, foam, feathers, seashell, gouache, plastic.
Oracle in Reverse, 2012. 86.5" x 43" x 41" Papier-maché, metal, plaster, enamel, beeswax, thread, wire, clay, foam, feathers, seashell, gouache, plastic.Oracle in Reverse201286.5" x 43" x 41"Papier-maché, metal, plaster, enamel, beeswax, thread, wire, clay, foam, feathers, seashell, gouache, plastic.
Once Upon a Time the End, 2011.  59.5" x 38" x 41"  Metal, acrylic, papier-maché, clay, thread, wire, modeling clay, plastic rods, rocks.
Once Upon a Time the End, 2011. 59.5" x 38" x 41" Metal, acrylic, papier-maché, clay, thread, wire, modeling clay, plastic rods, rocks.Once Upon a Time the End201159.5" x 38" x 41"Metal, acrylic, papier-maché, clay, thread, wire, modeling clay, plastic rods, rocks.
Godzeye, 2011.  102" x 42" x 35"  Metal, plastic lace, yarn, string, rocks, acrylic, modeling clay, plaster, papier-maché, mailbox.
Godzeye, 2011. 102" x 42" x 35" Metal, plastic lace, yarn, string, rocks, acrylic, modeling clay, plaster, papier-maché, mailbox.Godzeye2011102" x 42" x 35"Metal, plastic lace, yarn, string, rocks, acrylic, modeling clay, plaster, papier-maché, mailbox.
Transmissions of the Threadbare, 1997-2012.  80.5" x 57.5" x 33"  Hydrocal, foam, beeswax, steel, wood, clay, plaster, wire, acrylic, rocks, paint, plastic lace, papier-maché.
Transmissions of the Threadbare, 1997-2012. 80.5" x 57.5" x 33" Hydrocal, foam, beeswax, steel, wood, clay, plaster, wire, acrylic, rocks, paint, plastic lace, papier-maché.Transmissions of the Threadbare1997-201280.5" x 57.5" x 33"Hydrocal, foam, beeswax, steel, wood, clay, plaster, wire, acrylic, rocks, paint, plastic lace, papier-maché.
Transmissions of the Threadbare (detail)
Transmissions of the Threadbare (detail)
Cloud Minder, 2012.  65" x 25" x 18"  Foam, beeswax, metal, string, plaster, papier-maché, enamel.
Cloud Minder, 2012. 65" x 25" x 18" Foam, beeswax, metal, string, plaster, papier-maché, enamel. Cloud Minder201265" x 25" x 18"Foam, beeswax, metal, string, plaster, papier-maché, enamel. 
Let Me Love Your Brain, 1997-2012.  83" x 69" x 41"  Hydrocal, foam, steel, beeswax, modeling clay, papier-maché, paint.
Let Me Love Your Brain, 1997-2012. 83" x 69" x 41" Hydrocal, foam, steel, beeswax, modeling clay, papier-maché, paint.Let Me Love Your Brain1997-201283" x 69" x 41"Hydrocal, foam, steel, beeswax, modeling clay, papier-maché, paint.
Lost Songs of the Filament, installation view, Derek Eller Gallery, 2012
Lost Songs of the Filament, installation view, Derek Eller Gallery, 2012
Synapse, 2011.  59" x 70" x 64"  Metal, plaster, foam, papier-maché, plastic rods, wire, pebbles, modeling clay.
Synapse, 2011. 59" x 70" x 64" Metal, plaster, foam, papier-maché, plastic rods, wire, pebbles, modeling clay.Synapse201159" x 70" x 64"Metal, plaster, foam, papier-maché, plastic rods, wire, pebbles, modeling clay.
North room, Derek Eller Gallery, 2010
North room, Derek Eller Gallery, 2010
Untitled, 2010.  77" x 47" x 16"  Metal, paper-maché, plaster, foam, modeling clay, acrylic, oil, plastic, beeswax, pebbles, clay.
Untitled, 2010. 77" x 47" x 16" Metal, paper-maché, plaster, foam, modeling clay, acrylic, oil, plastic, beeswax, pebbles, clay.Untitled201077" x 47" x 16"Metal, paper-maché, plaster, foam, modeling clay, acrylic, oil, plastic, beeswax, pebbles, clay.
Untitled (detail)
Untitled (detail)
Still Life, 2010.  34 x 30 x 32 inches.  Plaster, foam, wire, metal, papier-maché, modeling clay, paint, beeswax.
Still Life, 2010. 34 x 30 x 32 inches. Plaster, foam, wire, metal, papier-maché, modeling clay, paint, beeswax.
Untitled (White form with red center), 2009, metal, papier-mâché, wire, rocks, 40" x 12" x 35"
Untitled (White form with red center), 2009, metal, papier-mâché, wire, rocks, 40" x 12" x 35"
Three Hanging Forms, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, latex, newspaper, 42" x 21" x 45"
Three Hanging Forms, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, latex, newspaper, 42" x 21" x 45"
Untitled (Spiral with green center), 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, 47" x 50" x 37"
Untitled (Spiral with green center), 2010, metal, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, 47" x 50" x 37"
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Installation view: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, 2010
Unnecessary Fixation, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, beeswax, paint, modeling clay, wire, acrylic, 43" x 12" x 34"
Unnecessary Fixation, 2010, metal, papier-mâché, beeswax, paint, modeling clay, wire, acrylic, 43" x 12" x 34"
High on a Mountain, 2010, Foam, metal, milk crates, plaster, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, acrylic, 85" x 32" x 57"
High on a Mountain, 2010, Foam, metal, milk crates, plaster, papier-mâché, modeling clay, plastic, wire, rocks, acrylic, 85" x 32" x 57"
Studio view 2010
Studio view 2010
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